Thursday, 24 April 2014

What's Your Struggle? 3

God's ways are truly not our ways and I bless His name for one more reason impressed upon my understanding to trust in Him always. Still on the issue of struggles, challenges or little sins (if I may address it as such,) it was pressed upon my heart through my daily study of the Word, that the challenges we face in every phase of our lives are most times on purpose as God intends to use these situations for a couple of reasons; some of which I now know and the rest I am yet to discover.

  1. He uses these struggles to Test our love and commitment to Him. It is very possible for God to totally rid our lives of struggles and trials after all, all powers belong to Him; but every trial He allows us go through is for a purpose and we can either trust Him and pull through or trust our own feelings and strengths which will fail most times. Judges 2v3 Wherefore I also said, I will not drive them out from before you; but they shall be as thorns in your side, and their gods shall be a  snare unto you. God clearly could have driven these nations out but they were left on purpose to test the israelites and their faithfulness and love for Him. Judges 2v20-23 further confirms this. v21. I also will not henceforth drive out any from before them of the nations which Joshua left when he died. That through them I may prove Israel, whether they will keep the way of the LORD to walk therein as their fathers did keep it or not. Therefore the Lord left those nations, without driving them out hastily; neither delivered he them into the hand of Joshua.  
  2. To teach us warfare. Most of the children of the Israel that made it to the promise land never really experienced the Lord and how He fought for them through out their surgeon from Egypt through the wilderness and to the promise land. And as time passed by, the battles Joshua fought would have been mere tales. In Judges 3v1&2 this reason is clearly stated. Now these are the nations which the LORD left, to prove Israel by them, even as many of Israel had not known all the wars of Canaan; v2. only that the generations of the children of Israel might know to teach them war, at the least such as before knew nothing thereof; 
  3. To teach us to call to Him! This lesson to me is the most important because this part permits God almighty to show up and take over the situation. His power covers us, envelopes us, and bears us up. He empowers us when we call to Him and what seems like a struggle or a challenge just melts before Him (and us too as a result of His awesome presence.) and we no longer have to rely on ourselves or our strengths. In Judges 3v8, the children of Israel do this and God was quick to answer them. As I read on, I discovered that on several occasions each time they fell out with God (as is typical of our lives), and ran into trouble they called to Him, He was always faithful to answer. He always made a way and always came to their rescue. Through out the entire Bible I have discovered His desire to always be a part of our lives, a strong desire to commune with us. To have a relationship, to help, to take part and be involved with us to engage us and be one with us. Isn't He wonderful, and just so good. These scriptures Jeremiah 33v3, Psalm 91v14-16 confirms this to mention a few.
Prayer, diligent communication and a solid relationship with God are very important to a believer and follower of Christ as air and life is to the living. These lessons I have learnt really got me thinking. I no longer have to engage or feel guilty or bad with my struggles. I can always hide in the covering of His mighty hand. Oh that I will find rest and dwell in His presence trusting in Him ALWAYS.

Dear Lord you don't make mistakes that's how I know that you didn't just bring these lessons to my understanding for nothing. You intended for them, Dear Lord, to comfort my troubled heart, to reassure me of Your love for me and of Your strength. To re-open the lines of communication between You and myself, re-affirming and to further strengthen our relationship. Thank You dear Lord that I can always trust in you. Now Lord being sure of all these, I seize the opportunity of this moment to let you know, please Dear Lord, I'm worried that like the children of Israel, I will keep on going back to my evil ways and may fall short of your presence; so I ask dear Father, strengthen and keep me firmly rooted in You Dear Father that I may be obedient to your will, desire and purpose for me. Grant unto me the grace that makes prayer a delightful habit and keep me in you Lord with the strength that makes You God for I don't want to be anyplace else. Thank you Dear Lord because you understand and you hear me each time I call. For this I remain grateful even as I pray in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

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