Friday, 16 May 2014

Fighting Temptations

The New Living Translation's rendering of James 1v14 captures the verse rather precisely touching the issue of temptation - Temptation comes from our own desires. 
Most times, I realize that the temptations I go through stems from my deep desires. These desires could even be innocent and harmless but the devil ceases this as an opportunity to attack; and often times there's a close relationship between our trials and our desires.

I remember my mom often tells me that temptation never leaves you; "it's right at the hem of your clothing" she says. It's foolish to think that as a christian, one is automatically immune to temptations... I once thought that way. The Bible warns in 1 Corinthians 10v12 If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall. 

I am facing a lot of temptations at the moment. And where I struggle the most are in areas where I just wont let go. In all these, I thank God for His word that not only is a guide but is also a reminder that He truly is with us always and is concerned with all that concerns us. I read today in Proverbs 15v11 Even Death and Destruction hold no secrets from the Lord. How much more does He know the human heart - as I reflected on the myriads of temptations I am going through-it was pressed upon my heart firstly not to hide from God because He is all knowing. Secondly to always surrender to Him and struggling in temptation is unnecessary. Matthew 6v13 And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.

A close relationship with God also helps. Its a safe place where you can always open up to God and not only get direction but also get relief. Its important not to ignore His call, surrender every area of struggle and not to take your eyes of His word. I have also learnt not to ostracize my self when I go wrong for this gives the Devil leverage to deal with me more and I will just suffer for nothing.

Dear Father, who can hide from you. I come before you today Lord for help. Temptations surround me in many areas and its almost as if I cant take a step these days without temptations right beside me. I know in some areas I have actually fallen but I come to you for help. Strengthen me in areas of my weakness and in areas I have given the devil room to attack me. Hide and keep me in you and let your perfection rub off on me. Thank you for your love and forgiveness and help me dear Lord not to take it for granted. Thank You Father for always being with me for this I give you praise in Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen.

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