Sunday, 5 February 2017

When I go wrong...

Just when everything seemed to be going on well, with me and my relationship with God, I feel this sudden pressure a familiar heaviness I can tell it's not from God, It's been plaguing me since Friday, threatening to destabilize and distract me from my goal which is to solidify my relationship with Christ. My mood, my countenance and my routine were disturbed...I prayed, tried hard to resist but I failed and gave in to my past habits...
The struggle is real and even though it seems like a small and harmless error I know without a doubt that I don't feel blessed by it instead I feel ashamed and just don't want to face the fact that I failed.

The Devil is real, he never goes away he tempts again and again especially in areas where we are most vulnerable the Bible says when the devil had finished tempting Jesus, he left him until the next opportunity came (Luke 4v13). He never wants to see us succeed.

However today, even though I feel ashamed and unworthy, I know I have no other hiding place except in Him. Where else will I go to to find forgiveness and restoration? Who will wash my sins away and set me back on the right track? Who will chastise me and keep me from falling? who is not ashamed of me even when I am ashamed of myself?

Heavenly Father, forgive me for I have done wrong, and I have no excuse for my wrong doings. I am deeply sorry and I do not feel proud of myself. I have no one else to run to but You Oh Lord. Forgive me and wash me with your blood. Please remember your promise even though I never want to take undue advantage of it but remember you promised your grace is sufficient for me and that you will never cast me away. Please forgive me and make me whole again. For in Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen.

Ref: John 6v37 All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.



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