Wednesday 29 January 2014

Straight from my heart.

When I think of the times in my life when I spent more time reading my bible and meditating on the Word, fellowshiping and getting to know the Spirit more, focusing, pondering and caring more about what God thought about me than what people thought about me, I remember feeling full, energized, happy, empowered, loved,  fulfilled, excited! I smiled a lot more and I always felt confident and accomplished. 

Times like now when my focus has shifted whether for the right reasons, or for just being plain lazy or otherwise, or because of my children, husband and lots of other responsibilities, I know like right now, I feel lost, depleted, sick, the noise in my head is louder, I'm more anxious, afraid, I'm exhausted I feel under accomplished I feel like I'm far far away, I eat a lot more but still feel hungry. I crave plenty re assurance but still feel insecure, feel powerless, guilty, lost, more sad than happy most of all I feel empty. 

Now all I want is You Lord. Please help me get back on my feet. 


Dear Lord, please you promised in you word that the righteous person may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all; 
You promised never to leave me or forsake me. You said to call on you and you will answer...
Please LORD hear my call and answer me and rescue me from this distance, this loneliness, and emptiness. Bring me back to your awesome presence and set my feet on the right path. My own arm has failed me. Here I am Lord crying for your help. Help me for I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ your only Son. Amen. 

References: Jeremiah 33:3, Psalm 34:19